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I am SDavidPrince, SDavidPrince is me πŸ™‹πŸΎ‍♂️


They are acctually all simple stuffs - Don't run

Terms and Conditions

This document explains the general terms and conditions that apply to site visitors, customers, and all other users of SDavidPrince Space, including my copyright terms. Read Terms

Privacy Policy

Outlines how The site may store and use your personal data under the GDPR.Read Privacy Policy

Cookie Policy

Outlines how this site may store cookies on your computer.  Lol I'm forced to use cookies so I can keep track of visitor yeah only for Analytics and Ads- No more ads from ad networks ~ I might run it manuallyRead my Cookie Policy

Terms of Use

Applies to the use of the site, it content and resources, codes, and digital products (such as ebooks, templates, designs, pre-made graphics, and other items available to purchase) by SDavidPrince (me).

Terms of Service

Applies to custom one-on-one services offered by SDavidPrince (me).

Disclaimer and Disclosure

Disclaimer: Information on SDavidPrince Space is for general purposes only. While they aim for accuracy, SDavidPrince is not liable for actions taken based on the content.

Disclosure: This is for just incase... SDavidPrince may receive compensation for products or affiliate links, otherwise noted, all opinions are honest and unbiased. Trust and transperency is essential to here.  Read them all


SDavidPrince Here!

SDavidPrince Space can also be an educational and informational  resource for creatives, learners and business owners based on personal experience, knowledge and learnings. I cannot guarantee any particular results that are not within my control. By continuing to use/read/participate in this website/blog/email series you acknowledge that I cannot guarantee any particular results, as such outcomes are based on subjective factors that are not within my control. Therefore, following any information or recommendations provided on this website/blog/email series are at your own risk.


Comment Policy

Commenting on this site, you have to Stay Good and do not spam, misuse or abuse the comment section.  Read full Comment Policy


I feel like I mentioned this before... I will let you know when Some of the links contained on are affiliate links. Some may be incase I forget to make it known. This means that I may receive a commission if you click on the link and choose to purchase something. 

I mostly recommend sites, products and services that I know or trust to be of high quality, whether an affiliate relationship is in place or not.   Read More

All my affiliate links are also here


  I hope Some Brands would pay me to feature something and they have some element of editorial control (given me specifics to use such as hashtags, key messaging or publishing date).Be ready incase...


Some Companies may have paid me to feature a content, or pay to support my content. I promise that I have the editorial control so I can keep sponsored posts best freindly. (sponsored posts are always reviewed by me and are properly labeled ).


Some Companies may have given me a product/service for a review consideration, with no payment or editorial control. 

This does not guarantee a review of any kind and all opinions are 100% my own. There will typically be more information about what product is a paid-review. Trust me I always let my people know

Read more: Disclosure about my Affiliates, Ads? sponsored and PR contents. 


© sdavidprince 2020- . All Rights Reserved. Unless otherwise stated all content on SDavidPrince Space by Sodeinde David (A.K.A  S David Prince) is protected by copyright. You may not modify, publish, distribute or reproduce without my prior written consent from Copyright Owner. Read full copyright terms here. Protection Status

Updated: August 2023


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