
Welcome to SDavidPrince Space,  the little corner of the web where you find  SDavidPrince. 

Who is S David Prince

In Short: S David Prince is a Journalist, Creator, Digital Enthusiast / Entrepreneur. He writes, draws, codes, creates digital products, sells them, shares insights, and offers freelance services.

SDavidPrince here! ☝🏾👆🏾 That's just a cool and a good copy and paste version for anywhere. And here is a longer version: I'm much more simple S David Prince is a pseudonym and my Identity. I am a Journalist (Cub -3rd year). I studied Mass Communication at the Nigeria Institute of Journalism and began my career as an intern contributor at Business Post Nigeria (2021). There, I monitored the value of the naira at the I&E window, reported on weekly turnover, and provided analysis of changes. I also contributed news stories and articles.

Don't forget my Origin and Back Story: Before my professional journey, I am a farm boy who spent his time drawing, scribbling, and exploring various digital activities, which helped him acquire a diverse set of skills.

I also used to game alot and I create, collect, steal and share memes.I'm part of the frontiers of the great David and Xaiver meme war online. I still do all that minimally and earned the Creator and Enthusiast title.

I am still a pen fanatic. With the stroke of a pen, incredible stories, drawings, and crafted content come to life 🙌🏾. I wield my pen as a powerful tool for expression, allowing to convey thoughts, ideas, and creativity.

Change of plan: This is a different generation I now result to various digital platforms.

I just what to be known for my unique threefold blend as a journalist, agriculturalist, and digital creator / explorer.

I am an indie and mostly fly solo, my doors are always open for collaboration. I now advocate for and support the Indieverse, promoting digital literacy and knowledge in Nigeria.

I'm always looking to grow and help others do the same. ... Nothing much for now I'm still building my portfolio; and I ultimately see myself as a just a lifelong learner.

Blah Blah... About This Site

It's hard to tell since this is a personal site. I take no offence when someone calls me a confused person. 👏🏾 best compliment ever. Blame my sense of organizaion

Let's argree that here, it's just simply SDavidPrince Expressing himself,  showing off his  knowledge, skills and proficiency. - Simply put S David Prince web space

The Ones This Site is Perfect For

This site is for anyone who want to follow up with my contents(comics and writeups) and those who want to know who this guy is- I hope you now know

I welcome all fams, suppoerters and familiar faces

Passers by and People who are just exploring - webring loopers, search followers, mistake landers and portal travellers - pleae enjoy what you see the way it is

Anyone who come here to learn or find solution using any of my posts - you may leave comments or webmentions

Fellow geeks, creatives" solo runners and mass communicators I humbly welcome you all - still a student? welcome

Those I didn't mention but love what they see, this site is for you

My bosses keeping an eye on me 👀

This Site is clearly not for Content Thiefs

Quick Notice- Disclosure

  • This site doesn't guarantee you'll like everything posted on it
  • This site default language is engish- I'm a Nigerian, I may code mix / switch to Nigeria pidgin or my native and I may use slangs or any colloquial word a Nigerian would find familiar- I try to avoid and minimize it (not a promise)
  • Now you know I'm a Nigerian, and I call myself S David Prince 👀 ...Please Note: I am not a Prince 📢🔊📣. I have never, and I will never text anyone that I am a Nigerian Prince.
  • This site contains materials that would make you think and dry jokes because I'm a thinker and not a comedian even tho at some time in my childhood i was considering comedy🤔.
  • This site is clearly not for baby boomers maybe genX but let me make it known that millennials may have a 'P' with my words. You know what P is then no problem -enjoy 😌
  • This site contains emojis and I can't be sure if I'm using them right
  • No trees were destroyed to make this website.
  • This website will meet ot exceed your expectations or it will not
  • Last but not the least: I am S David Prince and my life is not as glamorous as this site may make it appear

Anything else - Visit the Legal Page

 What You'll Find Here

My personal updates

I do share some personal writeups, musings, poetry lines, quotes, my creations insights and more updates on my interests and what I do 

Visual Narratives and Graphics:

I love art and I draw comics and other graphical contents. Even though I already have a sub site for this, It all here.

Products and Services:

This site is also a medium to sell myself. Visit the store page and services page. I also already have a sub site for this though. 

You'll Also find Topics on:

Digital Exploration :

It's me embarking on a journey through the vast digital landscape, and would be exploring topics such as SEO, Artificial Intelligence, Metaverse, Cryptocurrency, and more moslty it would just be shared links and my comments.

Tech Tips

Tech Tips, Troubleshooting and How-Tos, a collection of computer problems I've run into and how I solved them (or how I found the solutions).

Digital Marketing:

I also happen to be a digital entrepreneur, I render freelance services and sell digital products. Occationally I share my secrets on effective digital marketing, and cover topics like Affiliate Marketing, Advertisement Marketing, and Social Media Marketing.

Content Creation:

This is what I do most online. I love creating contents.  You can join me and dive into my world of creative expression with content creation tips that spans through Blogging, drawing, comic making, meming,  and beyond maybe.

Monetization Strategies:

I used to actively earn online. Now most things I do and share are free and I still earn and you can find tips on this site.  Discover ways to monetize your digital presence, whether through Google AdSense, blogging, sponsorship or affiliate programs. They all worked for me since I was 15(age) and I got away with it until 2024 my philosophy changed.I no longer mind too much about making money online

Social Media Insights

I don't know how this happened and how I got into it, but I kept my streak on being an almost all social platforms.I kept trying them all but none seem to be an abode for me until I accquired my domain 

If you are a social media person   we can still connect @sdavidprince. ~ 2023, I left Social media for the fediverse @sdvaidprince.space or @[email protected]. I will have to look back at Social media mid 2024 for Nigerians sake🥲 ya'll still enjoy Facebook Freemode that's why I coming back this August

I still happen to be one of Quora top answerers on social media related topics.

Engage with the Community

Coming soon - It will be like my online empire

Other Pages to always explore

What Iam Doing Now

Services I Render

My Creations and Projects

Connect with me:

Visit Contact Page

Feel free to explore the site, engage with the content, and let the digital adventure continue!

Updated: July 2024


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S David Prince

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