Comic Feature is Back with a More Manually Approach!

S David Prince comic html navigation

Ok I had removed the comic feature on this site since i thought I won't be needing it anymore because I planned to make host my comics separately on the comic subdomain

My comic subdomain site '', is also hosted on blogger and is using the zeistmanga theme made by EmisionHex. It is still the best of it kind that gave rise to other blogger comic templates. 

The template is free and I tried customizing it my way and adding more features like the login system and more to suit how I want it to be; but it seems like it is taking longer than expected and I won't have time for drawing the main deals again. I also fear that I might just give up on it.

MxM Things did not gone as I planned and I am returning the comic feature back to this site for the sake of comic posts. I have a new weekly series.(a single panel series ).

For this to go well, I brought back the comic feature and I'm not sure how i'd later align it with the indieweb'' mxm the microformats setup.

Yeah I brought the comic feature back but it's not as extensive as it used to be. This time, I decided to take a more hands-on approach to get more control and cut out unnecessary javascripts.  Even though the navigation and buttons will now be handled manually, I still left some automation where it counts. 

What's New?

Manual Navigation:

Each comic post next and previous navigation buttons are now added manually  through the Blogger editor, they provide a more reliable way to navigate through the series.

Random Post Button:

 The Random Post button is still automated.

I wanted to make this possible manually at first. I made a bookmarklet which I would run everytime to pick a random url of published posts labeled 'Comic'. 

When I get the URL, I would then create the hyperlink for each post. Lol that would become a pain in the long run so I had to use a simple JS that function in similar way. Sorry if it's inconvenient that you would have to reload a post to get another random link. I look forward to fixing this properly. 

First/Old Post and Last/New Post Buttons.

If course these had to be done in JavaScript 


I s*ucked in the design but I cease to care. Ella said it's fine and colorful to her taste 🤔. Another Mxm: Ella is my kid sister 🥲 also a young writer and artist (I might steal her works to publish on this site someday)

Note: This Feature is still discontinued on the AllOne template.

happy reading comics : )
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