Fear is a strange and complex emotion. It creeps in quietly, often uninvited, yet it has a way of taking up space in our minds and shaping the paths we take. I’ve thought about fear - what it means to me, how it influences my decisions, and what it reveals about who I am.
At times, I’ve felt that my greatest fear might be losing my eyes, the ability to see and take in the world around me. But then again, isn’t the fear of failure just as overwhelming? Failure carries weight because it challenges identity, dreams, and expectations. Still, when I think about it, fear isn’t always about weakness. For someone like me. I'm someone who values symbiosis and mutualism so fear always feel like a mismatch. How do I gain from fear, or how does fear gain from me?
And Here is how our symbiotic relationship goes - Fears x David...
... The truth is, I don’t need fear. Or at least, I don’t need most kinds of fear. I’ve faced many fears in my life, some I’ve already identified and others I’m yet to realize. Yet each time, I’ve chosen to counter them, to meet them head-on.
And with every confrontation, I’ve grown stronger. Facing fear has given my life more meaning, a deeper sense of purpose. It’s like stepping into a fire and walking out refined.
But not all fears are the same. There is one fear I embrace wholeheartedly which is the fear of God. It’s a different kind of fear, not one that paralyzes but one that propels. It pushes me forward, shapes my character, and keeps me grounded.
This fear humbles me, builds my integrity, and makes me someone people can rely on. It guides my morals and reminds me to stay true to my purpose.
Still, there’s another fear that lingers which I consider my greatest fear - the fear of something bigger, unknown, unseen, something that could counter or take away the fear of God. The thought of a force more powerful than God unsettles me, though perhaps it’s the kind of fear I have to accept, one that keeps me searching for answers and striving to strengthen my faith.
So, where do I stand? I stand in awe of the fear of God, the good fear that keeps me honest, kind, and purposeful. But I also stand ready to face any other fear that challenges me because fear, no matter its form, can be confronted.
And every time I face my fears, I remind myself that strength is not the absence of fear but the courage to rise above it.