How to Create a Password-Protected Page on Blogger: A Step-by-Step Guide

Simple Password Proctect

Welcome Blogger user!

You are in the right post. In this post, I will guide you through the process of creating a password-protected page on Blogger. 

When it comes to creating password protected pages, popular content management systems like WordPress often come to mind. However, in the realm of blogging platforms, apart from medium, such capabilities is scarce, and this leaves bloggers limited in their options. 

But fear not, for Blogger, with its full basic code customization, opens doors to a world of possibilities. 

With a little tweaking and the power of code, you can now achieve what was once thought impossible on Blogger - the creation of password protected pages.

 Whether you desire a members-only section or a private area for selected individuals, this article will guide you through the process of unlocking these hidden features on your Blogger blog. 

And this is just a simple line of code only one can use even if you are not a code person. 

With this tweak, you can control access to specific content, ensuring that only authorized individuals can view it. Whether you want to share exclusive information or restrict access to certain pages, this guide will help you achieve it. Let's get started!

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Step 1: Accessing the Blogger Dashboard

To begin, log in to your Blogger account and go to the Blogger Dashboard. This is where you Manage any content and setting on blogger. You have to access trough the blogger website

If you access through the mobile app formating option is limited to keep the app compact.

Step 2: Creating a New Page or Using an Existing Page

Once you're in the Blogger Dashboard, find the "Pages" tab on the left-hand side menu and click on it. Next, click on the "New Page" button to create a new page. Give your page a title and enter the desired content.

Step 3: Implementing the Password Protection Script

In the HTML view of your page editor, copy and paste the following JavaScript code:

 <!--Password protect by sdavidprince-->    <script type="text/javascript"> 
var password = 'YourPassword';
password = prompt('Please enter the password to enter this page:', '');
if (password != 'YourPassword') {
    location.href = 'PAGE URL HERE';

Replace 'YourPassword' with the password you want to set for your page. Additionally, replace 'PAGE URL HERE' with the URL of the page where you want to redirect unauthorized users.

Step 4: Saving and Publishing

Once you've implemented the password protection script, click on the "Save" button to save your changes. Finally, click on the "Publish" button to make your password-protected page live on your blog.

Step 5: Testing the Password Protection

To ensure that the password protection is working correctly, open a new browser window and visit your blog. Access the password-protected page, and you should see a prompt asking you to enter the password you set earlier. Once you enter the correct password, the page content will be visible.

That's It

Congratulations! You've successfully created a password-protected page on your Blogger blog. This feature gives you the power to control who can access specific content, allowing you to share exclusive information or create a members-only area. Remember to regularly update and change your password to ensure the security of your content. Thank you for reading, and 

happy blogging!

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