Setting Up Your Own Blogger Blog


Step-by-Step Guide: Setting Up Your Own Blogger blogspot  Site

Okay this post is old πŸ˜… When I wrote it I wasn't into much of tutorials and I didn't know how to write Step by step instructions. This post Might therefore lead you no where.

I have posted another updated important version for any beginner. 

Read : Basic to Advance Settings on Blogger

So the rest of the post... πŸ˜‘ You can still read for reading sake.πŸ™ŒπŸΎ Don't judge.

Ready to get your message out? Have an idea you want to share with the world? Or just looking for a fun hobby that also pays off? 

Whatever the reason, having your own blog can be incredibly empowering and satisfying. You don’t need to be tech-savvy or a coding genius; anyone can setup their own blogspot site using Blogger.

I'd be sharing the basic things you need to setup on your blogger Blog.

Setting up your own blog on Blogger is actually pretty easy and straightforward. 

While there are a lot of steps involved, it's relatively quick, taking anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour depending on how familiar you are with the process. 


Blogger as a Platform for Blogging

Starting a blog can seem intimidating, but all it takes is figuring out the best platform for your needs and you're off to the races. Many people start out with Blogger, an easy platform from Google that offers a free, easy-to-use option.

Creating a Blogger site is simple: just head over to the Blogger website and click "Create Your Blog". 

From there, you'll need to choose a name and address for your site and select a design template. You can always customize the template later on with fonts, colors, and more. Once you've made all your selections, hit "Create blog!"

Once your site is created, it's time to start adding your own content and customizing it to make it truly yours! You can add posts by clicking on the "New Post" button and entering text or adding photos or videos. As you become more comfortable with Blogger, you'll be able to use more advanced features such as categorizing posts into labels or creating menus for links to other sites or pages within your own site.

Create an Account and Pick a Template

Now that you have a bit of an idea of how you want your blog to look and feel, it's time to start the setup process! First off, you'll need to create an official Blogger account. This is necessary for the next step of picking a template.

From there, you can browse the provided templates until you find one that fits your style and esthetic. You can customize and tweak the template until it's just right for your blog–don't be afraid to experiment! Once it's looking good, click on save to finish up the setup process.

Now your set up is finished and you're ready to move on to the next step: creating content! Before you dive into writing posts, make sure to spend some time customizing your theme settings and gadgets. This will give your blog personality and make sure it looks polished and professional.

Customize Your Theme and Design Layout

Customization of theme is not necessary for a beginner, so as to not get confused. You can come back to this step later on. Themes on blogger can be changed or customized anytime.


Once you’ve chosen your theme, it’s time to start customizing it to make it your own. You can customize the layout, background color, font type and size, and many other elements of your blog by accessing the ‘Layout’ tab in your dashboard.

Here are a few ways that you can customize your design:

  • Choose from a few preset layouts

  • Add widgets or gadgets to the sidebar of your blog

  • Change the navigation bar placement and design

  • Upload a custom logo or header for your blog

  • Enable or disable comments on individual posts

You can also give your site its own unique look using HTML codes and CSS . If you have coding skills. Or you can use tools like PageBreeze to customize the look of your blog without having to get into any coding. This makes it easy for anyone – even those without coding skills – to create a beautiful site.

Here is where a beginner might not feel relaxed with πŸ₯² call for my help 🀌🏾 just a peanut charge...mxm I think I have a video tutorial on this πŸ€”


Incorporate SEO for Greater Visibility

Search engine optimization can be a big help when it comes to getting your blog seen. You'll want to make sure that the titles of your blog posts have the keywords that people are likely to type into search engines when looking for the topics you're discussing. You also want to make sure that the URL of your blog post includes those keywords.

To get the most out of SEO, you should also incorporate metadata into your posts. This includes descriptions and keywords, which will help search engines figure out what your post is about. Being as specific as possible in these descriptions and using relevant keywords will help you get more visibility and generate more readers for your blog.

You can also create an XML sitemap for your blogspot site, which is essentially a list of all your blog pages and posts, so search engine crawlers can easily find them. The content on these pages will then be indexed by search engines and show up when people look for topics related to yours.

Finally, make sure you take advantage of social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, so you can amplify your reach even further by promoting and sharing links to your blogspot site on those networks.

Check out these  Blogger SEO Tips

Add New Content Regularly

Once you've got your blog up and running, it's time to start adding content. 

Keep in mind that if you want your blog to be successful, you'll need to post new content consistently. This means that even if you don't have any big projects or news that you want to share right away, it's still important to keep your blog active by posting something new at least once a week.

Getting into the habit of posting regularly is a good way to ensure that you're getting the most out of your blog. 

Plus, consistent posts will help your readers know what kinds of content they can expect from you and when they can expect it. So try to commit to posting content on a regular schedule so that visitors know when they can check back for updates.

To help keep track of your posts, use an editorial calendar for scheduling future posts and managing your blogging workflow. 

{ " I use Google Calendar "}

This way, you won't get behind with writing, which is key for keeping up with all the content-producing duties associated with blogging. 

You should also be sure to use keywords and focus on SEO optimization so your posts will show up in search engine results, helping people find your blog more easily.

Monetize Your Blogging Site

You’ve set up your own Blogger blogspot site - great job! Now what? Well, the next step is to monetize it. Monetization simply means finding ways to earn money from your blog.

There are several ways that you can go about this, but the most common methods involve advertising and affiliate marketing.


Advertising involves placing advertisements on your blog for companies and services. Whenever someone clicks on one of those ads, you get a small payout. This one payout may not be a lot, but over time it can add up if you get enough traffic to your blog.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is when you partner with a company and promote and link their products or services on your blog. Whenever someone clicks on the link and makes a purchase, you get a small commission from the purchase. Again, this commission may not add up to much at first, but in time it could become quite lucrative if done correctly.

Monetizing your Blogger blogspot site is an exciting step in your blogging journey. It is an opportunity for you to start making money from the work that you do! All it takes is some creativity and dedication to make it happen.

To cut it all short

Setting up your own Blogger blogspot site is a great way to get your voice heard. With a few simple steps, you'll be able to create a professional, customizable site with a custom domain name. You can use it to share your ideas, stories and opinions with your audience.

Whether you're just starting out or you're a seasoned blogger, Blogger blogspot provides a simple, easy-to-use platform for creating a website. 

The user-friendly interface and customizable options make it easy to get started and to customize your site to make it stand out from the crowd. With just a few steps, you can have your own blog up and running in no time.

Happy Blogging ~

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